Atomic Wonder Woman | 2013
Atomic Wonder Woman | Infinite Crisis | 2013
About: The second I saw Infinite Crisis’ Atomic Wonder Woman, I knew I had to fit her in to my costume roster. Her look struck me as a cross between Mad Max and Dead Rising, with a dash of roller derby charm. I also loved the slightly obscure iconography – the swath of yellow fabric on her top, the “WW” on her license plate bracers, the massive chain where her lasso would be, and the word “Aletheia” carved into her weapon, which loosely translates to “truth” in Greek. Her short hair and Rosie the Riveter-esq bandana had me saying “I can do this!”
Photography & Makeup: Photos by LJinto, Andrew Ho, Adam Patrick Murray, Martin Wong, and Elysiam Entertainment. Makeup by Hydred Makabali.
Construction: Check out the construction gallery here.
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