Anya Stroud | 2011
Anya Stroud | Gears of War | 2011
About: This was my first-ever large armor build, and although it’s far from perfect, it still has a special place in my heart. While working at Game Informer Magazine I was assigned to the team creating content for the Gears of War 3 cover story, and was elated to learn that in the new game Anya would be joining the fray on the battlefield. I learned a ton while crafting this costume, from how to properly heat-form foam to more complex sewing techniques. I also learned that the walking up and down aisles at the hardware store can prove fruitful when you don’t know how to approach a prop – Anya’s grenades are customize sprinkler heads! I debuted the outfit at SDCC and had the opportunity to shoot photos with the talented Ljinto on the USS Midway, which was a perfect setting for the ensemble. I wore this outfit many times, got to show it off directly to the team at Epic, and even was invited to help launch Gears of War 3 in Paris as an official guest. It was a phenomenal experience.
Photography & Makeup: Photos by LJinto, KC Alfred, and Eurobeat King. Makeup by H Makeup.
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