Full Cosplay Portfolio | 1999-2023
Cosplay Portfolio | 1999-2023
Welcome! Don’t want to browse through nearly 100 galleries? You can see a shot of each costume I’ve created here – in chronological order! Read on to learn a bit more about my cosplay journey.
My Cosplay Journey: My first documented cosplay photo dates to 1999, before I even knew the term “cosplay” existed. Over the past two decades I’ve fallen in love with the craft and community. I now have nearly 100 costumes under my belt – you can see most of them in the gallery below!
Over the years cosplay has afforded me incredible opportunities, including being featured on CNN, in Time Magazine, Marie Claire UK, and even modeling for original Wonder Woman art for Justice League: A League of One by the phenomenal Chris Moeller.
It’s also been an honor to be invited as a cosplay guest to conventions around the world, where I speak about my passion for the hobby and raise money for local charities. If you’d like to have me as a guest at your convention, please contact me here!
Some additional cosplay highlights include:
- Organized the Guinness World Record gathering for the Largest gathering of people dressed as Lara Croft.
- Created and authored nearly 100 entries of Game Informer’s Cosblog
- Featured Cosplayer: Nerd Block “Nerd Play” Trading Cards, Series 1, 2015
- Official Cosplay Guest:
- Supernova Expo | Brisbane & Adelaide, Australia (2019)
- Icon | Johannesburg, South Africa (2018)
- Animekon Expo | Bridgetown, Barbados (2017)
- Makerfaire | Cairo, Egypt (2017)
- GeekCore | Copenhagen, Denmark (2016)
- Arte Cosplay V | Buenos Aires, Argentina (2016)
- Animarket | Chaguanas, Trinidad (2016)
- Animekon Expo | Barbados (2014)
- Katsucon | Washington DC, USA (2012)
- SOFA Bogota | Bogota, Colombia (2012)
- Gears of War 3 Launch Event | Paris, France (2011)